Maybelline Beauty Review - Nose & Chin
by Maybelline | 5 Dec 2013
My 1st Experience with Botox and Fillers
I had always wanted a sharper nose and smaller face but never had the guts to do anything about it.
I was very glad to visit Dr Matthew Yap for some facial enhancements.
All thanks to My Fat Pocket and aesthetics hub! It was like a dream come true for me~~~~
As I was looking into the mirror, I was more determined that I needed a smaller and sharper face.
And take a look at the dark circles around my eyes as well. I need to do something about it before it gets worst.

This picture below shows a very clear view of my side profile. I feel that I have a button nose. The peak is a little sharp but the nose bridge just isn't high enough. And my jaw line, it sure is far away from small and sharp. Lol

The very young doctor, Mr. Matthew Yap, consulted me and told me what I needed for my face. He was also very friendly and patience towards me. As it was my very first time, I kept emphasizing on the pain score and time and again, he would assure me that it wouldn't hurt a bit.
He also has very nice complexion himself!

I also wanted to try some fillers to soften the very visible smile lines so that I can look younger as the folds made my face look old and tired. Lesser lines also mean a clearer and cleaner look!

I was also really comfortable with him. He told me all I needed for my nose was a higher nose bridge

The numbing cream was applied for 10-15 minutes and I was very skeptical of its effect because I really can't bring myself to believe that a topical cream can actually stop all the pain that would come later.

I was of course, proven wrong. After the numbing effect has set, it was time for the the jaw botox. I am quite petite in size (but not short!) as you can see from my pictures, but I have quite a fat and big face. Who would complain that they have a sharp or small face anyway?!
I can hit 40kg and still have a chubby face. I don't know why.
The numbing cream effect can last one for hours. It lasted me for nearly 4 hours i think, so there was no need for another application of numbing cream for the injections.

Biting my teeth to estimate the size of the muscle on my jaw before deciding on the amount of botox to inject.
I tend to chew on the left size of my face more, so the muscle on my left was almost twice the size of the muscle on my right! :O And this can result in a bigger face on the left (which was what happened to me). I realized that my left face was much bigger than my right even before the doctor told me that but had absolute no idea that what was the cause.
I could feel nothing when the needle went in. I did not know and refused to believe that I felt nothing at all! To think that I used to have SO MUCH fears for them.
I can only see the results for botox 2 weeks later. So hold on, I will do up another post to show you the huge difference!
And I am very much in love with the side profile of my face!
For fillers, Juvederm was used on me and it was said that the effect would last me between 6 months to a year

I was really excited to see the final results. A higher nose bridge was always what I wanted.

You see, I could still laugh, so you should be able to guess my pain score.

To be honest, on a scale of 10, I would gladly rate it between 0 to 1. Likewise for the chin filler.
The chin filler was done to give the face a more almond-shaped kind of feel.
Pretty much the same for both fillers - Injection, Clean and Massage.
Below are some pictures for comparison.
Nothing was done to the face. You can see visible cleave on my chin

Post procedures.
Do observe the chin in this picture. Cleave gone and the whole face looks sharper. This was exactly what the Doctor wanted to achieve.
I really love the prominent chin.

Now, look at the side profile of the nose again. Can you see the higher nose bridge? I look so good in most pictures now! Save me some time on highlighting the nose bridge. Heh.
These procedures have certainly boosted my confidence level and I am really loving how I look now.
I can't wait to hear what Dr. Matthew has for me next!